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Introduction to NeuroMANCER Scientific Machine Learning Library
Deep Learning Explicit Differentiable Predictive Control Laws for Buildings
Jan Drgona - Neuromancer - Differentiable Programming Library for Data-driven Modelling and Control
Ján Drgoňa - Neuromancer: Differentiable Programming Library for Data-driven Modelling and Control
Neural Lyapunov Differentiable Predictive Control
All you need to know about model predictive control for buildings
Parameter estimation of ordinary differential equations in NeuroMANCER
ESIC Seminar Drgona April 30
Differentiable Predictive Control with Safety Guarantees: A Control Barrier Function Approach
Dissipative Deep Neural Dynamical Systems
Differentiable Programming for Data-driven Modeling, Optimization, and Control
Control design based on deep learning